Door open/closed
There are different ways to open/close doors. E.g. by another Habbo, i.e. manually or fully automatically. One of the easiest possibilities is shown here.
In the wired "Furniture state changes" the furniture is selected which is changed by the Habbo who wants to open the door. It must therefore be a piece of furniture that can change its state when double-clicked. Only such furniture can be used for the trigger. Such a piece of furniture is, for example, the floor switch.
If someone then presses the switch, the Wired recognises that the status of a Habbo has been changed. This can be recognised by the fact that the Wired flashes:
After that, only the effect has to be set. A door normally always has two states. Open or closed and you can change these states with Toggle Furniture State. All you have to do is select the door.
The Wired then always ensures that you switch to the next state. In this case, the door is opened if it was previously closed and closed if it was previously open.
Habbo Unity:
Did you know?
The state of a door (and similar furniture) cannot be changed when a Habbo is on it unless the state is changed by the Wired piece of furniture taking state and position.
This is important, for example, for entrances that are to be closed as quickly as possible.